This is a sample green card.
Diego is a space nerd. On top of that, he looks up to entrepreneurs. Combine those, and it's easy to see why he is so interested in all things Elon Musk. Him and I both nerded out over the launch of Falcon Heavy. We both timed our lunch breaks at work so we could stream it on our laptops and text each other about it at the same time.

Diego is an avid outdoorsman. This is from an annual camping trip he goes on where they catch their meals. Nothing beats seafood cooked over a camp fire that you caught yourself. (See freewrite below)

Diego is quite the DIY-er.
Every year Diego goes on an annual camping trip to Florida. He goes out and camps where it is just him, whoever joins him, and nature. He spends time to disconnect and reset himself. He kayaks, fishes, and cooks what he catches over camp fire. He does this in honor of one of his close friends that tragically passed away a few years ago. Him and his friend would camp in the same exact spot every year and he continues the tradition as a way to honor his late friend. If you looked deeper, this reveals two key aspects of Diego. His sense of loyalty and the pride he takes in being self-sufficient. Diego would literally give you the shirt off his back and never expects anything in return. There has been times that I just called to let off some steam about something that had happened and the first words out of his mouth are, how can I help? or what can we do? If you are one of his friends, you are basically his family and if you are his family, there is no sacrifice he wouldn't make. He would quit his job and give up everything if his wife or kids asked. Another thing this shows is his self-sufficiency. He takes pride on being a jack of all trades. Its almost like it's a challenge to him. to go out in the middle of nowhere and just live off the land. This also goes into his work ethic. There is nothing he won't do or teach himself to do/ He doesn't hire people, he figures it out.