Saturday, February 16, 2019

Inquiry Topics and Questions

Inquiry Questions Brainstorming
20 Topics
1.      Immigration/Citizenship process
2.      Colombia then vs now
3.      Common immigration struggles
4.      Colombian Culture
5.      How immigrants view America
6.      Colombian economics
7.      New York demographics vs GA
8.      ICE self-funded????
9.      Requirements for citizenship
10.  How far Queens is from Brooklyn
11.  Family in Colombia
12.  Problems cartels cause
13.  How visas work
14.  Visa lottery statistics
15.  Immigration costs
16.  Importance of family in Colombia
17.  Colombian education
18.  Psychological effects of growing up poor
19.  Government corruption
20.  Cultural differences between the north and south
5 Additions topics
1.      How much did growing up in Colombia influence Diego’s sense of self-sufficiency
2.      Where he gets his fascination with exploration
3.      Why politics are so important to him
4.      His plan to move the family to Colombia for a year.
5.      Where his “obligation” to help people comes from

Topic #1- The Immigration/Citizenship Process
1.      How much does the process cost from start to finish?
2.      How long should it take to become a citizen?
3.      What is required to become a citizen?
4.      What are common problems experienced with the citizenship process?
5.      How long do you have to study for the citizenship test?
6.      Where do you get the study guide for it?
7.      Why is the test so important?
8.      What is residency?
9.      What happens if your visa runs out while you are in the middle of becoming a citizen?
10.  Could you legally live in the U.S. permanently without becoming a citizen?
11.  If so, are there any advantages to living here without being a citizen?
12.  How hard is it to get a visa?
13.  How long do you have to get things set up here before you move?
14.  How do visas work?
15.  What are the requirements to gain citizenship?
16.  Why do some feel it is worth the risk to come here illegally?
17.  What makes up the immigration/citizenship process?
18.  What services are offered to immigrants to help them adjust?
19.  What is the hardest part of immigrating?
20.  How many different types of visas are there?

Topic #2- Colombian Culture
1.      What makes up the family unit in Colombia?
2.      How important is family in Colombia?
3.      How has life changed in Colombia since the mid 80’s?
4.      What is the Colombian economy like?
5.      How is a normal day in Columbia different than a normal day in America?
6.      How does a normal Colombian family function?
7.      How important is self-sufficiency in Colombia?
8.      Do family members play certain roles in Colombia that they don’t here?
9.      How do Colombian citizens feel towards the government?
10.  Why would Colombians be driven to leave?
11.  How important is education in Colombia?
12.  What is the quality of education in Colombia?
13.  What is the average quality of life of a Colombian citizen?
14.  How do Colombians feel towards America?
15.  What are the biggest cultural differences between Colombia and the U.S.?
16.  How is the government run in Colombia?
17.  What daily struggles are common in Colombia?
18.  How is the Colombian economy?
19.  What are common occupations in Colombia?
20.  What made the cartels leave?

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